الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2014

Tor network reveal the danger that threatened!

Is a network of "Tor" and one of the networks that preserve the user's privacy and allow him to navigate unknown identity and without any control from any party whatsoever, and it is exactly which angers a lot of bodies and government institutions as Tor could put in front of imminent danger revelations team the network through official their blog.

And considers network Tor secure network where it was founded in 2002 and enables the user to hide his true identity and geographical location and browsing anonymously and keep it away from the control of the official authorities, and is what bothers a lot of bodies, where it is clear that the fate of site The Pirate Bay has become a threat to the network as well as Tor.

According to a statement of the group Action Network Tor recently posted on the official blog of the network, the network administrators are concerned about the security and expect exposure comprehensive letter to attack soon aims to network output from the service, in a scenario appears to be similar to the scenario prohibition site The Pirate Bay.

Observers believe that the Tor network to raise the alarm that threatens the independence of the Internet network in general.

Presented my service Playstation and Xbox piracy

Announced that a group of hackers responsible for holidays that hit my service games platforms (Playstation) of the Japanese company Sony and (Xbox) of the US company Microsoft, which led to the temporary halt of the two services on the US territory.

And Agence France-Presse reported that a team of hackers announced Thursday evening for his responsibility in the arrest of my service Playstation and Xbox in the United States, holidays, which lasted for several hours, causing the stop platforms Sony users Activity and Microsoft Games and coincided with the period of the New Year's holiday .

And was one of the users on Twitter and carries the code name "Lizard Squad" has adopted electronic attack my service Playstation and Xbox, and with all of Sony and Microsoft confirmed the validity of this information on the social site Twitter to reach it was confirmed that they are working on a solution this problem.

Facebook defies YouTube

Although YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Video Platform and Facebook is the social networking site, the competition between the two companies has become the greatest in the recent period, especially with the desire to access Facebook in the field of video platforms.

And was a lot of news circulating in the recent period suggest that Facebook plans to compete with YouTube in its own sphere of video, and there are a lot of indicators that confirm this and including improved video feature on its social networking through additions Kaadad Views and autoplay feature, In addition to news about the negotiation Facebook for the stars of YouTube to deliver their content exclusive to the site.

But it seems that this is not all there is in the quiver of Facebook, where The American website specializing TechCrunch that the first social networking on the world site is currently experimenting with a new interface to view videos on the level of a few pages, and it seems it is inspired by the design of what is in YouTube.

Kodak announces her new

American company "Kodak" and which is one of the oldest companies in the imaging of the first Android smart phone system in a statement announced the world without adding important information about the full specifications of the new apparatus.

And the US company Kodak has faced many problems in recent years and was on the verge of bankruptcy and give up its activity in 2012, but it seems that things have changed and that the company has recovered from the crisis and preparing to return strongly through the activities of the famous exhibition CES 2O15.

And Kodak announced in a statement that it will present on the sidelines of CES 2O15 exhibition which will be held beginning next January first Android phone system, which will enter into a partnership with the British factory Bullitt, and the new phone will be directed primarily to those lovers of photography.

In addition, the company is preparing to make another phone compatible with 4G and Tablet computer in addition to a digital camera.

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