الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2014

Tor network reveal the danger that threatened!

Is a network of "Tor" and one of the networks that preserve the user's privacy and allow him to navigate unknown identity and without any control from any party whatsoever, and it is exactly which angers a lot of bodies and government institutions as Tor could put in front of imminent danger revelations team the network through official their blog.

And considers network Tor secure network where it was founded in 2002 and enables the user to hide his true identity and geographical location and browsing anonymously and keep it away from the control of the official authorities, and is what bothers a lot of bodies, where it is clear that the fate of site The Pirate Bay has become a threat to the network as well as Tor.

According to a statement of the group Action Network Tor recently posted on the official blog of the network, the network administrators are concerned about the security and expect exposure comprehensive letter to attack soon aims to network output from the service, in a scenario appears to be similar to the scenario prohibition site The Pirate Bay.

Observers believe that the Tor network to raise the alarm that threatens the independence of the Internet network in general.

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