الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2014

Presented my service Playstation and Xbox piracy

Announced that a group of hackers responsible for holidays that hit my service games platforms (Playstation) of the Japanese company Sony and (Xbox) of the US company Microsoft, which led to the temporary halt of the two services on the US territory.

And Agence France-Presse reported that a team of hackers announced Thursday evening for his responsibility in the arrest of my service Playstation and Xbox in the United States, holidays, which lasted for several hours, causing the stop platforms Sony users Activity and Microsoft Games and coincided with the period of the New Year's holiday .

And was one of the users on Twitter and carries the code name "Lizard Squad" has adopted electronic attack my service Playstation and Xbox, and with all of Sony and Microsoft confirmed the validity of this information on the social site Twitter to reach it was confirmed that they are working on a solution this problem.

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