الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2014

Facebook defies YouTube

Although YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Video Platform and Facebook is the social networking site, the competition between the two companies has become the greatest in the recent period, especially with the desire to access Facebook in the field of video platforms.

And was a lot of news circulating in the recent period suggest that Facebook plans to compete with YouTube in its own sphere of video, and there are a lot of indicators that confirm this and including improved video feature on its social networking through additions Kaadad Views and autoplay feature, In addition to news about the negotiation Facebook for the stars of YouTube to deliver their content exclusive to the site.

But it seems that this is not all there is in the quiver of Facebook, where The American website specializing TechCrunch that the first social networking on the world site is currently experimenting with a new interface to view videos on the level of a few pages, and it seems it is inspired by the design of what is in YouTube.

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